Ayurvedic Massage Therapy
Picture this, you've spent the entire week...
organising your kids and their lives
cleaning the house
doing the food shop
working out what to feed everyone - for what seems like every second of every day!
rushing through the traffic to the job you are actually paid to do
Trying to figure out how to squeeze in a date night for you and your fella.
Its the end of the week, you feel exhausted but you've made it! Are you actually take a break for yourself though or do you ignore how tired you are reach for a bar of chocolate and a bottle of vino and prepare yourself for another round next week? I think its fair to say that often as parents we tend to put our needs last. I'm here to give you some well deserved you time!
So what is Ayurvedic Massage?
Ayurveda is a beautiful ancient science that tunes in to our environments, food and herbs to keep our bodies and minds in balance. I've trained in Ayurvedic Lifestyle and Nutrition and also Ayurvedic Massage Therapy which is what I'm offering here. I look at what you are experiencing at this moment and what will help your body to feel more balanced then I use specific medicated hot oils along with a herbal poultice, to help draw out the toxins, for a beautiful, authentic ayurvedic full body massage - from your nose to your toes, leaving your skin and your mind so nourished you will be amazed.
What do you need to know?

What you need to know.....
The massage is a good 2 hours long including a full body, face and head massage.
You will get oily! This may sound a little weird to some but I'm telling you your skin will thank me for it! However, please do not wear your best clothes to go home in. Just bear it in mind. You may also wish to bring a hat for your head when you leave or a scarf.
You will be naked, well almost. I am happy to provide underwear to save your clothes but feel free to wear your own if you are more comfortable - again please do not wear your best. I will provide towels of course and ensure you are comfortable throughout.
Please leave a couple of hours after a heavy meal before your appointment.
The following scenarios will be unable to receive this treatment: a strong headache or migraine, those that have a bad cold, those suffering from constipation, ladies on the first 3 days of their menstrual cycle. If you are suffering with any kind of illness please make me aware beforehand so that we can discuss whether this would be of use to you.